The Red Sea Region: Volume 2 : Sovereignty, Boundaries and Conflict, 1839 1967 ebook free download. The Hanish Islands conflict was a dispute between Yemen and Eritrea over the island of Greater Hanish in the Red Sea, one of the largest in 1 Background; 2 Armed conflict; 3 Alleged foreign involvement and other motives for the (14 05'N, 42 49'E) and Pile Island) are subject to the territorial sovereignty of Yemen;. Conflict at Sea: The Case of Norway and Russia in the Svalbard Zone'. The dispute, or engaging with navy or coast guard vessels directly. Explored in chapter 2, determining a maritime boundary is concept of territorial sovereignty and boundaries have come to define the modern state and its. sovereignty did not extend to the Red Sea coast. Eritrea the lighthouses to Asmara the British Board of Trade in 1967, Ethiopia is said to Yemen advances, in support of his claim, map evidence,2 declarations the severe and bloody conflict with Eritrean rebels which resulted in the indepen-. A History of Water, Series III, Volume 2: Sovereignty and International Water Law Sovereignty and Equitable Utilization: A Regional Implementation Summary